Somalis grow fearful of Islamists

Al-Shabab fighters

By Mohamed Mohamed
BBC Somali Service

Public anger at the recent stoning of a 13-year-old girl in Somalia shows the growing resentment towards radical Islamists who have gained control of much of the south and centre of the country. 

Insurgents from the militant group al-Shabab are seen as authoritarian and unaccountable – unlike the Islamists who were in control of the capital, Mogadishu, in 2006.

Asha Ibrahim Dhuhulow was stoned to death for adultery in the southern port city of Kismayo, which was taken control by al-Shabab and its allies in August.

I don’t know what crime she committed other than being raped – and I was not even allowed to see her body
Asha Ibrahim Dhuhulow’s aunt

Her 62-year-old aunt told the BBC that the teenager had in fact been raped by three armed men – and she took Asha to the police station to report it.

Several days later, after two suspects had been arrested, she was asked to return to the station with her niece.

To her surprise the girl was taken into custody too.

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