As mentioned yesterday in the article in The Guardian we linked to, there are
already difficult questions arising as to how sharia law is to be integrated
into British law. The basic problem, though this article from The Times does not
come out and say it, is that faithful Muslims are supposed to view sharia as the
first and last word in all aspects of life. Followers of sharia, by their very
definition, cannot abide by any ruling from any other source which runs contra
to sharia. Given sharia’s barbaric doctrine for women, family law immediately
becomes a soup sandwich under any attempt at a dual system.

But it actually goes much further. There is simply no way to completely insulate
sharia family law from the rest of British society, including matters of
finance, policy and commercial law. For instance, why are Muslim males allowed
to have multiple wives and households on the British dole due to their religious
beliefs, yet Christians and Jews are restricted to one?


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