Islamic Perspective on Civic Engagement & Voting

Community Advisory – October 2, 2008



For Immediate Release 



The future of America will be decided as Americans cast their votes this November for the next president of the United States. In looking to the coming months, the Muslim American community must remain steadfast in our commitment to political and civic participation in accordance to the guiding principles of our religion.
As Muslims, we believe that the message of Islam is sent as guidance to humankind for the betterment of life everywhere (Quran 34:28, 21:107).
In American society, the most effective way for Muslim Americans to share their values, the values of Islam, is through participation. American civil society is a dynamic institution shaped by the participation of its members.
As Muslims, the Quran encourages us to engage with any project that seeks to do good (Quran 5:2). In America this project is society, which can be improved by our participation within it, not merely during elections but at all times.
Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) himself participated in an alliance held by the chiefs of the tribes to ensure justice in society (Treaty of Fudul), saying “If I am invited to be part of such a treaty, I will join.” It is a duty upon us, then, to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet and participate in society in order to create better policies for our nation.,1_486122_AEUJDUwAAX6BSOVPQgWthwF27%2Bg,1_485591_AEkJDUwAAYZTSOVN0A29GzvGWfM,1_477273_AEwJDUwAAUuKSOU69A4ieBbOiuA,1_472652_AEgJDUwAARk6SOUw9A39UQUN2WI,1_471243_AEUJDUwAAQo7SOUq%2BQEonkbMC0g,1_467628_AEgJDUwAAF2%2BSOUjXgtgkHc7pag,1_462046_AEsJDUwAAOXHSOUWUgF1NUBpJ0M,


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