September 30, 2008

Islamism: The Devil In Miss Jones

This article by Adrian Morgan (Giraldus Cambrensis of Western Resistance) appears today in Family Security Matters and is reproduced with their permission.

The Devil In Miss Jones

Over this weekend, the London home of a publisher was subjected to a gasoline attack. Dutch-born Martin Rynja owns publishing company Gibson Square Books which prints “books that are able to contribute to a current debate.” Rynja had announced on September 3 this year that in October he would be publishing a controversial novel, called “The Jewel of Medina”.

Sherry JonesThe author of the book is American journalist Sherry Jones. In 2007, Random House had purchased the rights to publish this book and its sequel for $100,000. The book would have been published as an imprint of Random’s Ballantine Books. The Jewel of Medina is Jones’ first published novel. In May, Random House decided to pull out of the contract.

Sample copies had been sent out for review and the feedback had been negative. It was felt that the book would cause a reaction from Islamic fundamentalists. Thomas Perry of Random House acknowledged that it “could incite acts of violence by a small, radical segment”, and withdrew the publication offer on the grounds of safety. An official statement claimed: “We consulted with security experts as well as with scholars of Islam, whom we asked to review the book and offer their assessments of potential reactions….. and in this instance we decided, after much deliberation, to postpone publication for the safety of the author, employees of Random House, booksellers and anyone else who would be involved in distribution and sale of the novel.”

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