Television channels throughout the Muslim world have recently publicized advertising campaigns demanding young Muslim women to wear veils, especially in the modern era of globalization, religious openness and progress. The female veil, called the hijab in Arabic, is one of the most powerful symbols of Islam, wearing it represents the upholding of ancient Islamic Law and its contemporary incarnation. At a time when many countries including France, Tunisia and Turkey are trying to prevent Muslim women from wearing headscarves in public institutions such as universities, schools and government institutions, this religious campaign resolutely refuses to abandon this symbol of Islamic piousness. Muslim religious leaders are now using Arab television channels to exploit their revered status in Islamic society to convince Muslim women to wear the hijab. Campaign tactics span from gentle encouragement to harsh threats, with one Islamic marketing company, Fatadabaroh, saying that all Muslim women who refuse to wear the restrictive head scarf are dominated by Satanic thoughts. This new Islamic war against female freedom and equality, has spawned a serious social conflict in the Muslim world, allowing Islamic religious institutions to preserve their papal supremacy over stagnant Muslim societies. 09/11/08. Video

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