NHS worker quits over bare arms policy

This radiographer is following the health rules.

A Muslim radiographer claims she was forced out of her job because she refused to bare her arms as required by NHS hygiene policy.

She was told by bosses at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading that all staff must roll up their sleeves to the elbow.

But the unnamed woman instead chose to quit, claiming she was forced out by discrimination over her religious beliefs, including the Islamic teaching that women should cover their bodies in public.

The NHS’s “bare below the elbows” dress code was introduced in January in a bid to combat superbugs like Clostridium difficile and MRSA.

The woman, supplied to the hospital on June 16 by an agency, told the Daily Telegraph she wants to “prevent the policy from being universally applied, so other Muslim women do not experience the same trauma”.

continue reading at….http://www.asianimage.co.uk/news/display.var.2438968.0.nhs_worker_quits_over_bare_arms_policy.php


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