Michael McMillen and IIR Team Up for Islamic Finance Webinar

Register today for this financial webinar, and increase your knowledge of how Islamic investing and financial strategies work globally.

“Generating Potential for Energy and Real Estate Development Deals by Utilizing Islamic Financial Structures

A Webinar for the International Islamic Finance Forum – North America

Guest Speaker: Michael McMillen, Chair – Islamic Legal Forum, American Bar Association, Partner and Head – Islamic and OIC Jurisdictions Finance and Investment Practice, Fulbright & Jaworski

*Complete your overseas business partnerships toolkit by learning how to create deals using Islamic structures in energy and real estate development

*Find out where the next mega-deals using sukuk (Islamic bonds) will occur and what financial methodology must be completed to prepare assets in an Islamic deal

*Discover the similarities between conventional and Islamic finance; the

*Attract Islamic investors by gaining significant insights into how conventional and Islamic law dovetails in the business world

*Fund large-scale projects and have the confidence in your legal agreements to work in many jurisdictions in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia and Western Asia

*Learn the role that a shariah advisor plays in sourcing deals, approving innovation in financial structures and in offering financial services to Muslims



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