MarshallFrank.comThis  is the group that we allow to dictate our free speech in America. This will be the demise of the West by people who refuse to acknowledge that Islam is not a religion of peace, but a religion of war and conquest. We are blinded by Multiculturalism to the implications of allowing our laws, our constitution to be dictated to us by Muslims who follow the laws of Allah.
Posted on May 21st, 2008 by marshallfrank in Radical Islam
Free speech in America? Not according to the Muslim Students Association (MSA).

Figure this. In October of 2007, while in the U.S. on a diplomatic mission, the president of Iran was invited to speak at Columbia University and present his views. No jeering. No shouting. No gestures of hate. A world leader, Mahmãud Ahmadinej~ad, has openly supported genocide by declaring his intent to annihilate an entire nation, simply because it is a Jewish state. He refers to Israel as “baby eating Zionist pigs…a disgraceful stain that should be wiped off the map.” In 1979, this same hate monger was instrumental in the capture and imprisonment of 53 Americans from the U.S. embassy in Tehran, ridiculing and holding them hostage for 444 days. Despite all this, the Americans who attended his speech in Columbia University treated him with dignity and respect.

Contrast that to an American scholar who is invited to speak at the University of California, Santa Barbara about the status of world terrorism and Islamic jihad. David Horowitz, author and founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, was heckled, shouted down, jeered and cursed throughout his talk by a handful of rebel students. The MSA had written threatening letters to the university leaders threatening disruption if Horowitz came to talk. Degrading cartoons have been published in MSA literature depicting Horowitz much the same as Nazis depicted Jews in the 1930s. Everything possible was done to muzzle this man.

This is not an isolated incident. David Horowitz has been met with the same disruption at the university campus in Irvine, and in Milwaukee, and other college sites around the country. Same old, same old.

Muzzling the freedom of speech by the MSA is pervasive. They do not discriminate. Throughout America, those who come to college campuses to say anything that they construe as negative toward Islam, is met with screams, insults and threats.

The founder of American Congress For Truth, Brigitte Gabriel, is a noted journalist who immigrated to the U.S. from Lebanon in the 1980s. The author of “Because They Hate,” is an articulate, in-demand lecturer about the threat of radical Islamic extremism. In December of 2006, when Ms. Gabriel was scheduled to speak at the University of Michigan, the MSA sent out e-mails to all Muslim students urging “all Muslim brothers and sisters to do what they need to do to disrupt this event.” And try they did.

She’s used to it. No matter where she’s invited to talk, Ms. Gabriel is met with jeering, heckling, and threats, causing her to check into hotels under false names and be escorted by armed police on and off the speaker’s platform.

America…the land of the free. For now.

Walid Shoebat is a former Palestinian terrorist, now converted to Christianity. He gives speeches all over the country warning Americans of the impending threat of radical Islam. It comes from the horses mouth. We should be grateful. In February of 2007, he was giving a speech at the University of California-Davis, when a group of students began jeering and interrupting. It’s routine no matter what campus he is invited to.

Congressman Tom Tancredo was attacked and his speech disrupted at Michigan State University Law School. Daniel Pipes, Harvey Kushman, Wafa Sultan and Steve Emerson are other scholars who are met with the same fate — sometimes violent — from the MSA whenever they speak on campuses about terrorism and Islamic fanaticism. It is all part of the larger pattern of trying to silence and discredit through personal attacks anyone who dares speak up too strongly against the jihad and in defense of Western civilization.

The MSA has emerged as the most powerful student organization on university campuses throughout America. They were founded by the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest and most notorious extremist organization in the world. This is the same organization who, in 1982, issued the edict “The Project” which spells out their strategy for converting America and establishing an Islamic caliphate throughout the western world by the end of the 21st century, part of which includes its supporters posing as “moderates.”

Founded in Egypt in the late 1920s, the Muslim Brotherhood has long used violence as the primary means to its end — strict compliance to Sharia law. The ultra-radical organization lurks behind the scenes of Muslim Student Associations across the nation and should be of concern to every American!

These authors and scholars are national heros, speaking out and exposing the secret agenda of pro-terrorist supporters across the nation. They also provide information on how the Muslim Brotherhood is godfather to al Quaeda and Hamas, while helping to create the MSA and other Muslim student groups as part of its stealth jihad against American institutions

Fear and intimidation works. In a small way, I also experienced the muzzle. When my book Militant Islam In America was first released, I routinely set up book signings at various retail stores. Days later, I was contacted by management cancelling all signings. No reasons given. My book was not put on the shelf of any bookstore. The average American will not find books about radical Islamic jihad by Kushner, Horowitz, Emerson, John Sperry, and many more, on retail bookstore shelves for fear of reprisal from local Muslim groups. On several occasions I was explicitly warned by library management, “Talk about any of your books, but do not talk about Militant Islam. We don’t want any trouble here.”

My personal story is but a microcosm of how much muzzling is going on throughout America. Who does that affect? The American people, that’s who. The less informed we are, the better it is for our enemies. As the threat grows, inch by inch, day by day, very few in the media and in government have the courage to speak up.

Can anyone think of one time — in the last twelve months — where the spread of radical Islamic extremism within the borders of the U.S. was the subject of any presidential debate?

I’m a great believer in tolerance. But, like anything else, there’s a limit.

Meanwhile, let’s keep offering cordial invitations to our enemies to come and spread their propaganda on our college campuses, free from intimidation and fear of reprisal. America was a captive audience to Mr. Ahmadinej~ad who told us all that no homosexuals exist in his native Iran. Riiight. Thanks you sir, for that enlightenment.

It’s coming. No one is listening.

Inch by inch…without limits.




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