Travelodge ‘Nodcasts’ put guests to sleep

Bloomberg News
Jan. 18, 2008 12:00 AM

We are all sleeping when it comes to the selling of Democracy for ME money.

Comments by Allyson Rowen Taylor

DUBLIN, Ireland – Travelodge Hotels Ltd., the United Kingdom budget-lodging chain owned by Dubai International Capital LLC, introduced a series of recordings designed to help stressed guests get to sleep.The “Nodcasts,” dealing with lack of assertiveness and confidence, can be listened to by lodgers as they fall sleep, the Thame, England-based company said in a statement.

As many as 23 million British people lose an hour’s sleep every night due to worries.


Those worries include dealing with a difficult boss or missing a deadline, according to research by Onepoll, commissioned by the hotelier.

A fifth of those questioned said they had fallen asleep at their desks, while 28 percent had called in sick due to a poor night’s sleep, the research showed.

The recordings feature phrases such as:

“Remember a time when you were calm and relaxed, and take your mind back.”

They can be downloaded by guests free of charge from the company’s Web site.


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