The good folks at Money Jihad blog called our attention to this largely overlooked Jerusalem Post article in which it was revealed that one of the many anti-Israel groups masquerading as charities in the United Kingdom has let slip that it supports martyrdom operations.

The name of the charity is Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association (CADFA).

The Jerusalem Post article also has a screenshot of a CADFA slideshow in which the charity essentially calls for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with a Palestinian state, the same basic doctrine of HAMAS, which of course is in fact a designated terrorist organization.

CADFA also publicly supports leaders of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, another officially recognized terrorist organization.

But perhaps most disturbing is this passage from the article about CADFA:

CADFA openly describes suicide bombers as ‘martyrs’ who were ‘killed’ by Zionists. Their website lists a number of persons responsible for death and destruction, and perversely describes their fate as ‘killed’. Two of them, Osama Mohammad Bahar and Nabeel Mohammad Halabiyeh conducted a suicide bombing in which 11 people were killed and 155 were wounded. CADFA makes no mention of their atrocities and instead pays homage to their sacrifice. Given the context, or lack thereof, it is not unreasonable at all to infer that CADFA supports these murderous attacks.

In other words, CADFA, the UK charity subsidized by British taxpayers, openly supports Islamikaze bombers…



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